Volume 25 Issue 3 2025

  1. A Review On “innovative Film-forming Gels For Topical Drug Delivery: Formulation Strategies, Mechanisms And Application”
    Ms Anjali Rathour, Ms Priya Sharma, Ms Saroj Kumari
    Baddi University, Baddi, District-Solan, H.P., India.
    PAGE NO: 1-16

  2. The Contribution Of Chemistry And Its Chemists In Ancient India
    Bhagwat Ram
    Late Shri Devi Prasad Ji Choubey Govt. College, Gandai, Dist. KCG, Chhattisgarh (India).
    PAGE NO: 17-27

  3. Research Paper On The Use Of Various Blends Of Soybean Oil-based Bio-diesel In Ci Engine
    Mrunali Vaman Yadav
    Datta Meghe College of Engineering, India, 400708.
    PAGE NO: 28-37

  4. Investigation Of Mechanical And Thermal Behaviour Of Natural Composite For Automobile Applications
    Dr. K. Dharma Reddy, K M Naveen Kumar, P Keerthana
    Sri Venkateshwara University,Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, 517502.
    PAGE NO: 38-52

  5. Reading Habit’s On Use And Impact Of Information Communication Technology On Users Of Bangalore University Library: A Study
    Jyoti G Naregal
    SJVP Degree College and P.G. Center, Harihar- 57760.
    Ranjith R
    Sri Venkateshwara College of Nursing, NH4, Tumkur Rd, Dasanapura, Karnataka- 562162.
    PAGE NO: 53-72

  6. Quality By Design (Qbd) Assisted Formulation And Development Of Phytosomal Gel Containing Flower Extract Of Thunbergia Alata For Topical Delivery And Its Anti- Microbial Activity.
    Muskan, Eisha Ganju, Bhaskar Kumar Gupta
    People’s University, Bhanpur, Bhopal (MP) India, 462031.
    PAGE NO: 73-91

  7. Sustainable Dietary Behaviour And Life Style Management In Tb Patients
    Ansu Sarah Koruthu, Rekha MV, Christeena Mariam Thomas, Amina SS, Sruthy S, Sreelekshmi BK, Nakshathra S, Samna Salim
    Mar Dioscorus College Of Pharmacy, Hermongiri vidyapeetam, Alathara, Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram.
    PAGE NO: 92-98

  8. Phytochemical Profiling And Antibacterial Potential Of Medicinal Plants From Pandanad, Kerala: A Natural Remedy Exploration
    Sneha A. Chandy, Punam Sen
    PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, India.
    PAGE NO: 99-114

  9. Digital Media And Sleep: Physical And Mental Health Consequences
    Ms. Ganga Patil, Dr. Deepa L. Hungund, Ezaz Famitha Kamal Bhash
    JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research Mysore.
    PAGE NO: 115-128